A unique blend of evolutionary astrology and intuitive guidance. Your soul’s path sets the stage to answer your questions in a meaningful way. You get answers to specific questions including relationships, business and financial concerns, health — you can ask anything. Intuitive healing processwork based on psychosynthesis, hypnotherapy and spiritual energetic healing may be included if desired. Use a Session booking for mentoring sessions too!
Sessions are recorded and emailed to you as an mp3. Feel free to record yourself too as recordings are not guaranteed. A backup is always good.
Sessions begin with an overview based on a clairvoyant ‘read’ of your energies plus the evolutionary framework of your astrology chart and current cycles. We then move into detailed answers to your questions and issues. If you wish to experience guided Intuitive healing processwork it may be done in that first session or it may be scheduled for another time. There is no obligation to do healing work at any time. Please make sure you have accurate birth data for yourself and key individuals you are asking about (date/time/place) and indicate with the booking notes if you want specialized astrology such as a solar return or a review of historical patterns. In any session we will normally look at the evolutionary story of the natal chart, psychological themes, cycles of time through transits, progressions and perhaps solar arcs, as well as astrocartography if you ask about where to live, or relationship astrology if you ask about relationships (composites/synastry).
Topics You Might Ask About
relationships / career / health / finances / parenting / soul purpose stress management / past life regressions / inner child work spirit releasement therapy / dream interpretation / evolving spiritually / intuitive development / pets / fears
Understanding Session Lengths
60 minutes ($207) or 90 minutes ($288): Excellent for a first session that includes Intuitive guidance, Evolutionary Astrology Reading and Healing Intuitive Processwork if there's time or that is your focus.
Two Hours ($333): This is a luxurious amount of time to be used as you wish for depth astrology, intuitive guidance and/or healing processwork based on psychosynthesis, hypnotherapy and spiritual/energetic healing.
30 minutes ($107): Brief Telephone Session for existing clients only.
Transformative Healing Processwork might explore emotions held in the body, inner personality parts, your dreams or visions, the need for energy or spirit releasement or even a past life regression. My intuitive gifts allow me to be present with you in your process, a skill that people find comforting and safe. These fascinating journeys are unique, powerful and also help you develop your intuitive skill. And yes, this work may be done via telephone/skype sessions. For this work, most people choose the four hour package of $650 ($157/hr)
Healing might be useful for: making choices of any kind / relationship challenges / job choices / a feeling of being stuck / inner child work / spirit releasement / dream interpretation / wanting to connect to Spirit guides / getting ready for illness or surgery / grief recovery / parenting dilemmas
Each session is different; you decide in each session what you would like to talk about or explore healing. Maybe the first session or an occasional session is more of a ‘reading’ … soul path, current overview and specific questions. If you decide you like the healing processwork, you may choose to do this weekly, bi-weekly or occasionally. People often find that a regularly scheduled session with no more than a week or two between sessions, especially in the beginning, allows the work to deepen.